Software upgrade benefits engineers and line operators
XJTAG has released version 4.0 of its software suite, bringing speed increases both from streamlining the user interface and from increasing throughput of the JTAG chains under test.
This new version improves speed and efficiency both for the engineers setting up projects and the production line operator running tests. The headline new feature is the improved multi-TAP performance provided by Optimised Scans. Multi-TAP refers to the XJLink2 controller’s long-standing ability to operate multiple JTAG chains concurrently, in order to run a test across the whole circuit. In XJTAG 4.0, different chains can now be run at different clock speeds, allowing each scan to be loaded more efficiently by ensuring that a slow chain doesn’t limit the data transfer of a faster one. Whilst the devices on the separate chains will still execute each test step in sync, transferring data through the chains is now optimised, improving test times significantly. Changes have been made to the look and feel of the products to follow modern design styles and streamline the suite, improving ease of use.
JTAG Chain Debugger has seen significant improvements to the Test Reset Sequence editor. Following feedback, we have made this interface much more intuitive and fluent to use, allowing the waveforms to be more easilymanipulated.